Ramsey Water Filtration Plant
January 17, 2019
Construction has begun on Ramsey Water's filtration plant in Leavenworth in order to improve the water quality. Bids were opened on July 24, 2018. The bid was awarded to Theineman Construction.
The construction began in October 2018 with the substantial completion date projected to be September 18, 2019. The final completion date is October 3, 2019.
Financing for the project was obtained locally from First Harrison Bank.
A completion date extension was approved for the Filtration Plant project. The new projected completion date is October 31, 2019.
The Filtration Plant was completed in December 2019. The system flush was started on January 6, 2020. This flush will last a minimum of 2 months weather permitting.
We have now (March 20, 2020) completed the system flush.